Somalia has around 4.5 million school-aged children. An assessment conducted by Somali Environmental watch(SEW) with Minister of Education in Puntland in 2016, the data indicates lack of school fee was one of the major causes why majority of children are reported not to be enrolled in schools in rural and urban area in puntland . Girls in particular consistently face greater challenges accessing primary and intermediate education in puntland , Somali Environmental watch(SEW)’s aspiration is that boys and girls are educated for life.
Project achievement:
Somali Environmental watch(SEW)promotes the enrolment and retention of school-aged children and improve access to quality education by building the capacity of teachers, constructing new and renovating existing classrooms, providing learning materials as well as strengthen life skills for the children and youth. In Somalia, our focus is to provide the most vulnerable children, especially those from rural areas and displaced families with access to quality primary education in a safe and protective learning environment. We also equip the children and youth with essential life skills and learning opportunities that lead to a productive life. Duration project was 18 months from Jan 2020 to July 2021, it is budget was 250,000 funded by UNICE.